
Strengthen the woman behind the labels

Connection, community, deep inner work and love – yep that’s right ladies, you’ve come to the right place to be seen, to be heard and to dig deep to find that buried light, dust it off and to turn that baby on high beam!!!

Let’s be real – 2020 stripped us bare, tipped us upside down and left us feeling disconnected and isolated. It was an awakening for many of us, leading us to reevaluate what’s truly important to us.  It’s a new reality and as we adjust our sails and navigate our way forward, it’s the perfect time to reflect, gain clarity and focus on the things you do have control of – your level of self-love, your intentions, your well-being and your connections with others.

It must start with SELF-LOVE…

The relationship a woman has with herself impacts every decision she makes and shapes the path her life takes, yet so many women do not understand what it means to truly honor themselves. You simply cannot become empowered without a high level of self-love.

You’ll become aware of your thoughts – judgement, criticism, shame and other harmful yet powerful voices that can chip away at your identity. With this awareness you can choose to have a healthy balance with more thoughts of love, acceptance and compassion. Learn how to change the way you feel every single day by diving deep into authentic self-love. As you build your self-confidence and become fierce about defining your boundaries you will notice your new vibration shifting the way you feel.

to be truly EMPOWERED…

True empowerment is about understanding the depths of your spirit and honoring what resonates with you at your very core. We help you become self-defined regardless of all the external influences telling you who you should be in this world. We teach you to tune into your intuition – knowing what feels great, what gives you energy and what lights you up, and knowing what creates anxiety, unease or sucks your energy completely. You will change your perspective of challenge and become fiercely committed to continually evolving and manifesting the people and experiences that are aligned with your truth. Grant yourself the permissions to explore and trust your inner compass that guides you.

…and continues with CONNECTION.

Our month-long program is designed to facilitate transformation in women and create a community where women, above all else, support each other. We break down polarity and build an environment that is based on truth, love, compassion and support.   Women are stronger when they’re rising together.  We have everything you need to ensure that the comeback is stronger than the setback.


A woman who commits to her own healing and growth gives a gift to those around her – especially her children.


Together we will:

  • Take a deep dive into empowerment, perfection, intentions and desires, manifestation, self-love, vibrational frequency, gratitude, authentic relationships, purpose, joy and so much more.
  • Experience how vulnerability creates deeper relationships fast
  • Examine the relationship you have with yourself and manage that voice of doubt
  • Become crystal clear about the how to live your life in a way that is filled with energy and joy
  • Adopt daily/weekly/monthly rituals that commit you to reflection, intention and continuous growth
  • Belong to a movement that feels connected and empowering to be a part of

Most importantly support and be supported by women  – there’s nothing better!!